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You can configure wg-access-server using environment variables, cli flags or a config file taking precedence over one another in that order.

The default configuration should work out of the box if you're just looking to try it out.

The only required configuration is a wireguard private key. You can generate a wireguard private key by following the official docs.


wg genkey

The config file format is yaml and an example is provided below.

The format for specifying multiple values for options that allow it is: * as commandline flags: * repeat the flag (e.g. --dns-upstream 2001:db8::1 --dns-upstream * separate the values with a comma (e.g. --dns-upstream 2001:db8::1, * as environment variables: * separate with a comma (e.g. WG_DNS_UPSTREAM="2001:db8::1,") * separate with a new line char (e.g. WG_DNS_UPSTREAM=$'2001:db8::1\n192.0.2.1') * in the config file as YAML list.

Here's what you can configure:

Environment Variable CLI Flag Config File Path Required Default (docker) Description
WG_CONFIG --config The path to a wg-access-server config.yaml file
WG_LOG_LEVEL --log-level loglevel info The global log level
WG_ADMIN_USERNAME --admin-username adminUsername admin The admin account username
WG_ADMIN_PASSWORD --admin-password adminPassword Yes The admin account password
WG_PORT --port port 8000 The port the web ui will listen on (http)
WG_EXTERNAL_HOST --external-host externalHost The external domain for the server (e.g.
WG_STORAGE --storage storage sqlite3:///data/db.sqlite3 A storage backend connection string. See storage docs
WG_DISABLE_METADATA --disable-metadata disableMetadata false Turn off collection of device metadata logging. Includes last handshake time and RX/TX bytes only.
WG_ENABLE_INACTIVE_DEVICE_DELETION --enable-inactive-device-deletion enableInactiveDeviceDeletion false Enable/Disable the automatic deletion of inactive devices.
WG_INACTIVE_DEVICE_GRACE_PERIOD --inactive-device-grace-period inactiveDeviceGracePeriod 8760h (1 Year) The duration after which inactive devices are automatically deleted, if automatic deletion is enabled. A device is inactive if it has not been connected to the server for longer than the inactive device grace period. The duration format is the go duration string format
WG_FILENAME --filename filename WireGuard Change the name of the configuration file the user can download (Do not include the '.conf' extension )
WG_WIREGUARD_ENABLED --[no-]wireguard-enabled wireguard.enabled true Enable/disable the wireguard server. Useful for development on non-linux machines.
WG_WIREGUARD_INTERFACE --wireguard-interface wireguard.interface wg0 The wireguard network interface name
WG_WIREGUARD_PRIVATE_KEY --wireguard-private-key wireguard.privateKey Yes The wireguard private key. This value is required and must be stable. If this value changes all devices must re-register.
WG_WIREGUARD_PORT --wireguard-port wireguard.port 51820 The wireguard server port (udp)
WG_WIREGUARD_MTU --wireguard-mtu wireguard.mtu 1420 The maximum transmission unit (MTU) to be used on the server-side interface.
WG_VPN_CIDR --vpn-cidr vpn.cidr The VPN IPv4 network range. VPN clients will be assigned IP addresses in this range. Set to 0 to disable IPv4.
WG_IPV4_NAT_ENABLED --vpn-nat44-enabled vpn.nat44 true Disables NAT for IPv4
WG_IPV6_NAT_ENABLED --vpn-nat66-enabled vpn.nat66 true Disables NAT for IPv6
WG_VPN_CLIENT_ISOLATION --vpn-client-isolation vpn.clientIsolation false BLock or allow traffic between client devices (client isolation)
WG_VPN_CIDRV6 --vpn-cidrv6 vpn.cidrv6 fd48:4c4:7aa9::/64 The VPN IPv6 network range. VPN clients will be assigned IP addresses in this range. Set to 0 to disable IPv6.
WG_VPN_GATEWAY_INTERFACE --vpn-gateway-interface vpn.gatewayInterface default gateway interface (e.g. eth0) The VPN gateway interface. VPN client traffic will be forwarded to this interface.
WG_VPN_ALLOWED_IPS --vpn-allowed-ips vpn.allowedIPs, ::/0 Allowed IPs that clients may route through this VPN. This will be set in the client's WireGuard connection file and routing is also enforced by the server using iptables.
WG_DNS_ENABLED --[no-]dns-enabled dns.enabled true Enable/disable the embedded DNS proxy server. This is enabled by default and allows VPN clients to avoid DNS leaks by sending all DNS requests to wg-access-server itself.
WG_DNS_UPSTREAM --dns-upstream dns.upstream resolvconf autodetection or Cloudflare DNS The upstream DNS servers to proxy DNS requests to. By default the host machine's resolveconf configuration is used to find its upstream DNS server, with a fallback to Cloudflare.
WG_DNS_DOMAIN --dns-domain dns.domain A domain to serve configured devices authoritatively. Queries for names in the format .. will be answered with the device's IP addresses.
WG_CLIENTCONFIG_DNS_SERVERS --clientconfig-dns-servers clientConfig.dnsServers DNS servers (one or more IP addresses) to write into the client configuration file. Are used instead of the servers DNS settings, if set.
WG_CLIENTCONFIG_DNS_SEARCH_DOMAIN --clientconfig-dns-search-domain clientConfig.dnsSearchDomain DNS search domain to write into the client configuration file.
WG_CLIENTCONFIG_MTU --clientconfig-mtu clientConfig.mtu The maximum transmission unit (MTU) to write into the client configuration file. If left empty, a sensible default is used.

The Config File (config.yaml)

Here's an example config file to get started with.

loglevel: info
storage: sqlite3:///data/db.sqlite3
  privateKey: "<some-key>"
    - "2001:4860:4860::8888"
    - ""